Source code for bibstuff.isbn2bib

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# File:
:mod:`bibstuff.isbn2bib` --- Obtain bib entries via ISBN

:requires: pyaws v.0.3+ (installation is easy; see below)
:requires: free Amazon web services key
:license: MIT, see LICENSE

Installing pyAWS

You can get a tarball from:
If you use SVN, I'll assume you want the latest version.
(Otherwise, get the tagged version rather than the trunk.)

- Decide where you want your pyaws build directory, say in ``mysvn/pyaws``.
- In a command shell, change to the ``mysvn`` directory.
- Issue the command: svn checkout pyaws
- Change to your new ``pyaws`` directory.
- Use your python to execute: install

Your Amazon Web Services key

- it is free from Amazon web services
- right now I only look for it in bibstuff.cfg,
  which must be in the directory from which you
  call your script, and which must contain the lines::

	aws_key : your_AWS_key_here 

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__authors__  = ['Alan G. Isaac']
__version__ = '0.1'
__needs__ = '2.4'

import os
from os.path import join as pjoin, dirname
import shutil

#prepare a logger
import logging
isbn2bib_logger = logging.getLogger('bibstuff_logger')

# we need pyaws to get data from Amazon
[docs]def import_pyaws_ecs(): try: from pyaws import ecs except ImportError: raise RuntimeError('Need pyaws to read book data') return ecs
[docs]def set_license_key(): ecs = import_pyaws_ecs() # need an AWS key to proceed (see above) import ConfigParser as configparser #anticipate name change cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()'bibstuff.cfg') aws_key = cfg.get('isbn2bib','aws_key') try: ecs.setLicenseKey(aws_key) except ecs.AWSException: raise RuntimeError("Failed to set key. Do you have a bibstuff.cfg " " file in your current directory?")
[docs]def read_publisher_dict(): #unfortunately, addresses are not available in bookinfo # hope it's in my list ... publisher_addresses = dict() my_path = dirname(__file__) fh = open(pjoin(my_path, 'data', 'publisher_addresses.txt'),'rt') for line in fh: if line.startswith('#') or not line.strip(): continue info = tuple(item.strip() for item in line.split('|') ) try: name = info[0].strip() address = info[2].strip() except: continue #TODO: log error publisher_addresses[name] = address fh.close() return publisher_addresses
PUBLISHER_ADDRESSES = read_publisher_dict()
[docs]def make_entry(isbn): """ Return a bibfile.BibEntry instance. Calls `make_bookdict`; called by `main`. :date: 2008-08-31 :todo: this is reusing too much add2bib code """ ecs = import_pyaws_ecs() import bibfile entry = bibfile.BibEntry() entry.entry_type = 'book' try: bkinfo = ecs.ItemLookup(ItemId=isbn, IdType='ISBN', SearchIndex="Books", ResponseGroup="Medium") except ecs.AWSException: print "ItemLookup failed" raise bkdict = make_bookdict(bkinfo) entry.citekey = bkdict['citekey'] del bkdict['citekey'] #leaving only real field #entry.update(bkdict) #TODO: why does this not work? for k,v in bkdict.items(): entry[k] = v return entry
[docs]def make_bookdict(bkinfo, publisher_addresses=None): from collections import defaultdict import difflib if publisher_addresses is None: publisher_addresses = PUBLISHER_ADDRESSES bd = defaultdict(str) try: author = bkinfo.Author.strip() author_last = author.split()[-1].lower() except AttributeError: author = "unknown" author_last = "unknown" try: date = bkinfo.PublicationDate.strip().split()[-1] year = date.strip().split('-')[0] except AttributeError: date = "unknown" year = "unknown" bd['citekey'] = "%s-%s"%(author_last,date) bd['author'] = author bd['date'] = date bd['year'] = year bd['title'] = bkinfo.Title bd['isbn'] = bkinfo.ISBN publisher = bkinfo.Manufacturer.strip() #?att name?? bd['publisher'] = publisher #thanks to Greg Pinero for nicer address matching: best_pub_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(publisher,publisher_addresses.keys(),1) if best_pub_matches: bd['address'] = publisher_addresses[best_pub_matches[0]] return bd # some test ISBNs:
testISBNS = "0-324-23583-6 9780596529321 0231071949" #-- Command line version of tool
[docs]def main(): """Command-line tool. See -h for help. """ import sys import add2bib output = sys.stdout from optparse import OptionParser usage = """ %prog [options] example: %prog -f h -bo BIB_DATABASE 0-324-23583-6 9780596529321 """ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version ="%prog " + __version__) parser.add_option("-f", "--format", action="store", dest="format", default='b', help="set format(s) of output\nb: BibTeX\nh: HTML\nt: text", metavar="FORMAT") parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile", action="store", type="string", dest="outfile", help="Write formatted references to FILE", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-n", "--nuke", action="store_true", dest="overwrite", default=False, help="CAUTION! silently overwrite outfile, default=%default") parser.add_option("-b", "--backup", action="store_true", dest="backup", default=False, help="backup FILE to FILE.bak, default=%default") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Print INFO messages to stdout, default=%default") parser.add_option("-V", "--very_verbose", action="store_true", dest="very_verbose", default=False, help="Print DEBUG messages to stdout, default=%default") #parse options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # set license, also checking imports set_license_key() # open output file for writing (default: stdout) if options.outfile: if options.backup and os.path.exists(options.outfile): shutil.copyfile(options.outfile,options.outfile+".bak") if options.overwrite or not os.path.exists(options.outfile): output = open(options.outfile,'w') else:"Appending to %s.\n(Use -n option to nuke (overwrite) the old output file.)" %options.outfile) output = open(options.outfile,'a') print args for isbn in args: isbn = isbn.replace('-','') entry = make_entry(isbn) output.write( str(entry) ) if 'h' in options.format: output.write( add2bib.html_format(entry) ) if 't' in options.format: output.write( add2bib.text_format(entry) )
if __name__ == '__main__': main()